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Support WSF

Want to change lives in the community you love? There are lots of ways to help Winchester students realize the dream of a college education.

You Can Help!

You Can Help!

The need is great and growing. As the cost of college outpaces inflation, Winchester students and their families need our support more than ever. For those who share our vision, we offer a variety of ways to help us in bringing it about. Whether in the form of a financial gift or a gift of time and talent, your contribution will have a direct impact on the lives of Winchester students who will shape the future.


Make A Donation

As college education costs creep higher, Winchester students need our help more than ever to make their college dreams come true. Since 1945, The Winchester Scholarship Foundation has been helping Winchester families bridge the financial gap by relying on the tremendous generosity of this community.


Whether in honor, in memory, or as part of your annual giving, a donation to the WSF is an easy way to change a life. Donate today – online, by mail, or via Donor Advised Fund (Fidelity, etc.).


Establish A Scholarship

Establishing a named scholarship is a beautiful way to make a lasting tribute – to an individual or an organization – while making college dreams come true! WSF currently maintains 55 endowed funds, established by generous community members like you!


A minimum gift of $10,000 is required to create an endowed fund. Each fund supports a minimum of one scholarship annually in perpetuity. The WSF targets a 4.5% payout of its endowed funds each year. Historically, this approach has allowed the funds to grow in value while supporting an increasing number of students. 

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If you feel as we do that this is a cause worthy of your skills, speak to any one of our members and they will connect you with the person who can help you get involved.



Really? Yes! Making a difference has never been easier. Next time you buy from Amazon, click here first to designate The Winchester Scholarship Fund as your charity of choice. Amazon will save your selection so that every eligible purchase you make through  AmazonSmile will result in a donation to WSF, at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

"I'm incredibly grateful for the help that the WSF has offered over the years, as both an undergrad and a med student."


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